Will & Shelby… engaged!

Shoots that have locations that are personal to the couple are the best.  We started off at Will’s family’s church, where they’ve been going for several generations.  They have a lovely garden area on the side of the church.

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Then we headed out to their farm, which was amazing!  Old barns, cows, thistle… all of my favorite things.  And getting to ride in Will’s truck over bouncy hills and corn fields was a definite plus.  www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_003 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_004 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_005www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington, Kentucky wedding photographer www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_006

Did I mention that Will is a rodeo cowboy?  Pretty great. www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_007 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_008 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_009 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_012 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_010 www.emilymoseleyblog.com | Lexington KY wedding photographer_011It got cloudy just before sunset, and right when I thought we’d be out of luck, the clouds parted.  🙂
